Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The clock is ticking..

Why does this time of year turn me into a big sap? Ok, so this time of year and my sons birthday?! I suppose because both of these ocassions just remind how fast he's growing up and how things are always changing!

Yesterday Trevor and I were in the car going to BJ's Wholesale Club to finish up our Christmas shopping and out of the clear blue, he says, that he wants to buy me a Christmas present. :-) How sweet is that?! We did our shopping and on the way out, the lady who was checking reciepts, he reaches over, and hugs and kisses her. I am telling you this child is such a people person already!

Today I had a lady stop by from a church - this church does childrens clothing swaps - you bring any clothes you want to donate and you can take what you need - such a very wonderful idea. I, unfortunately, haven't been able to go due to conflicts in schedule and what not, but I had about 6 bags of Trevor's clothing, sized 18mths to 3T, and so she came today to pick it up. Trevor took her by the hand and brought her right into the house, and was all grins and giggles! LOL!

I am exhausted and looking forward to a few days off - not that I'll get to rest much because well, with Trevor around, rest really isn't an option! LOL!! But at least I won't have to be up at 1am - that is always a bonus!

It's still warm here - supposed to be 48 degrees tomorrow - it's just so absurd. We've had one snow storm this winter - back on Dec 8th, and we got maybe 2 inches or so, and that has been it. It's definitely going to be a green christmas here for sure!

I better go give Trey a bath and get him settled down for bed!!!

Have a great night!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Woohoo....guess what? A FREEBIE!!! :-)

Can you believe Christmas is a week away? I know I can't!! Where has the year gone? Why does it go by so fast? Remember back to grade school and it seemed like the year drag on and on and it would never get to summer vacation and then it was the big wait to Christmas vacation...amazing how as an adult it seems like you blink and the year is gone! The grass is green here....the sun has been's in the 50' just doesn't even feel like Christmas!!!

Here is a little freebie for you -

Blue Christmas

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Hope you like it!! :-)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well, I still need to finish the other freebie I mentioned in the last post, but in the meantime here is one I did for a dear friend!

The kit is called, "Mari", named after my friend who requested it!

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I have some ranting I'd like to will have to save that for later...time to feed the lil one dinner!!!

Till later........xoxo

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Where to begin????

Well...where shall I begin?

First off, after a negative test and 5 days late, dear "aunt Flo" has settled in for a visit - the kind soul that she is - she brought along "cousin Grumpy" and "uncle Big Ole' Cramp" with her...isn't that sweet of her? I have two ginormous zits on my chin that are about the size of ping pong balls - oh yes, so attractive!!! Can you tell I am a bundle of fun right now? LOL!! I was starting to get used to the idea and then suddenly she showed face and of course she came in like hell on wheels!

Secondly, there is a saying here in Maine, "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute" and it's so totally true!!! For example last Friday morning I was out working at 4:30am and I drive past a time and temp display and it was 64 degrees...I was flabbergasted!!! 64 degrees on December 1st - woohoo! Of course this morning I was out at the same time and it was about 18 degrees - my woo is no longer "hooing"!!! Talk about deflated!!! Ahh..I know better than to get my hopes up - I am sure there is a big nasty snow storm just hiding...waiting to pounce on us unsuspecting fools!!! Oh joy!

Tonight I leave Trevor eating at the dinner table while I run down and check on the laundry in the basement - and I should clarify that by saying, he isn't really eating...he's fidgeting...he's singing...he's commenting on how pretty everything is...he's basically doing anything but eating...I swear this kid worries me with how little he eats...but alas....back to the story..I come upstairs and he's standing there...pulls his pants down...grabs his privates and says, "it's broken"...well he actually called it by its proper name, but I don't know what's allowed to be said these days on the internet and don't need someone jumping down my throat that I used the word "penis" when discussing my son...but anyway, you get the idea. I nearly bust my gut laughing - how can you stay serious with such comments like that coming from your not quite 3 yr old?! LOL!!

Tomorrow will be a crazy day - between doing some bonus work, getting a hair cut, shopping for a special ornament for Trevor and one for an ornament exchange I am taking part of, a topper for the tree, fabric to use as a backdrop to take his Christmas picture, grocery shopping, and anything else that comes along, I'll be impressed if I am not sleeping in the middle of my supper tomorrow!

I have a little freebie I am working on...I started this mini kit with the idea of using it to make my Christmas cards and then changed the outfit I wanted Trevor wearing in the picture, so I am not even using it now...but I want to add a few more pieces to it and then I'll be getting it up here for all to have! :-)

Here is a sneak peak - this is a signature I use on the parenting site I belong to:

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So this gives you an idea what the kit is like - I wanted something festivous and wintery and Christmasy without being the traditional red and green!

So be on the look out....I hope to have that up by the weekend!

Well I better run - I have over 600 emails in my junk folder alone...I have several emails I have promised to answer...laundry to show is on tonight - The Biggest Loser - woohoo I want to see Erik win - being a former NY girl, I have to root for the hometown person! LOL!! :-) And I have to be up at 1am for work - ouch!!!

Oh and btw...20 days till Christmas!!! :-)

Have a goodnight all!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Emotional mess...


I've been so sick since Monday - showing signs of being pregnant - my cycle is a day late and yet I can't help but think if I took a test it would be negative - I keep telling myself that I am sick and it's just part of my cycle this month! I tried to test today but that was a fiasco....just picture an almost 3 yr old barging into the bathroom on you and dropping the stick in the toliet as he scared the pants off ya!!! I've decided I am not going to try to test again till Sunday if I am still late!!!

And we are also in the process of talking about moving 5 hours north of where we currently live...that is creating all these emotions...I don't know what to think...obviously I want to do what is best for my family...but the thought of leaving the life I have behind is scaring the pants off of me!

I thought I'd give ya another lil freebie to keep you all scrap-happy!!!

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This kit was originally created for part of a charity kit - money to be donated to the Toys for Tots organization. Then things started happening with ScrappinSecrets moving and me not selling and well...long story short, I am now offering it as a freebie!!! Sorry the preview is so small but I assure you, it's such a cute and fun kit!

Hope you like it!!!


On another note, I am reading so often these days about digital piracy!!! I think that pirating someone elses hard work is a cowardly thing to do!!! Even though I no longer design for money, I still take my work seriously and would be beyond mad to find out someone was claiming my work as their own. We, as the scrapping community, must put a stop to this! If you see my work, or any other designers, being claimed as someone elses, tell that designer!!! They deserve to know!! Make sure you read the TOU's that come with all your kits, whether boughten or freebie. If you'd like to use something commercially, contact that designer to see what they say - don't make any assumptions!!!

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Now I must tear myself away and make dinner....homemade hotwings and cheese fries...if that doens't soothe my soul, what will? LOL!! Oh yes, topping it off with Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream! LOL!!

Enjoy the freebie! I love hearing from all of you!!!

24 Days left till Christmas!!! Woohoo!