Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Things I've Learned From Trevor

Things I've Learned from Trevor, my almost 3 yr old:

1. Dimes can NOT be put in the garbage disposal! How do I know that you ask? Well, you see a couple weeks ago my garbage disposal suddenly stops working...I am in a panic as we rent and I didn't want to have to call the management company to have it repaired...so I stuck my hands down there and felt around and I could feel something stuck....but I just couldn't grasp it. It seemed like forever and a day, trying so desperately to get whatever was wedged - could barely see down there...no flashlights in the house that actually worked....finally drug out a halogen light and I could make out the tiniest bit of dime! Ah Ha! Funny, as I know I didn't put a dime down the disposal, and Karl swore it wasn't him...so that leaves one person...........Trevor!!!!!!!!!!

After much sweating, mubling under my breath, etc, I finally worked that bugger free and my disposal has been working great since!!! Phew!!!

2. That when you are almost 3 it's pretty easy to manipulate mommy. For example, this afternoon I had put him down for a nap, but after listening to him cry big ole' tears, and having him say over and over between those tears, "I so sad mommy" and "I sorry", I caved and let him get up. He knows exactly how to play on my heartstrings! It was so sad and pathetic - I so sorry mommy....might as well have punched me in the gut as to hear those words from this little person standing at his doorway with big tears dripping off his cheeks..his eyes red...his nose runny....it's just more than this mom can handle!

3. That at his age he can have privacy but I can't! You see, he's now at the stage where he wants the bathroom door closed, and yet the irony is, I haven't gone to the bathroom alone in FOREVER!!! LOL!! What's up with that?! Sure, I can go alone at work, but when I am home, I have two of the prettiest blue eyes watching my every move and announcing exactly what I am doing, play by play! Makes it interesting when company is over! LOL!

On another note, he's been binky free for almost two weeks - it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it still tore at me to see him cry for his comfort item. And now seeing him without it, well it's made me realize he's one step closer to being a big boy. ACK!


As for me....well, let's see....despite having the surgery at the end of October, I am still in a terrible amount of pain. I actually had to go last Thursday for another ultrasound just to see what's going on - but alas, everything looks wonderful....so the doctor feels this is my Endometriosis and really there is nothing I can do for it other than continue to take pain meds. I suppose I could go back on birth control, but that does a number on me not only physically but also mentally and that is not something I want to deal with again. Why go from one problem to another? And then there is the option that I could probably just tell the doctor I want a hysterectomy, but truth is, I am going to be 31 yrs old, which is still quite young, and I can't bring myself to say that I am totally done having children. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't have those thoughts of how I'd love to be pregnant again and to have another baby in the house. I just don't know if now would be the right time, but like I said, I am not ready by any means to make such a final decision about my reproduction status right now. There is something comforting knowing the option and possibility is there is I so choose.

I've made a rather big new years resolution - it is....no more resolutions. I mean really, how many people do you know that actually stick to their resolutions?! Why not just strive every day to be a better person, to eat healthy, to work on finances, etc, etc. Why choose New Years day to make this big announcement?! If there are changes you want to make, just do it, don't sit around waiting for New Years to get started! It's never to late!

That said, now that the holidays are officially behind us, and I am not baking every other day anymore, I am back to concentrating on eating healthier - notice I didn't say "diet".....to me diet implies that after some weight loss or something, that you can go back to eating all sorts of crap, when we all know the reality is, you can't. So hence the reason I said eating healthier. Part of my problem just comes from not eating a normal meal throughout the day and just kind of picking here and there. I also want to get more sleep - I've got to stop staying up so late scrapping and reading BZ. I get too worked up over there debating the hot issues of the day. LOL!! Anyways, I think in a couple weeks, I am going to go get a recumbant bike over at BJ's - I really wanted the Treadmill, but the bike is about $300 less, so I guess I'll have to settle for that.

Ok - must run - Prince Trevor is calling....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,
I'm so sorry you were having all those problems with people stealing your freebies. Just as an FYI (maybe others had this same situation) I tried 4 different times to download your Valentine's Day freebie and each time it was telling me that it was going to take 1 and a half to over 2 and a half hours to download. Since I couldn't tie the computer up that long I exitted back out and never did download it. If your freebie was being hijacked that could explain the absurd times. Don't know if this info gives you any new insite into the situation. Thanks for all the goodies you gave out. : D Have a beautiful day!

2:54 PM  

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