Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Thank you!

I'd like to thank those of you who left me comments yesterday - it really meant a lot to me. It's funny but I did consider the possibility that perhaps people had problems downloading the files and that would explain some of the 6500 downloads...but what really got me was that after password protecting ALL my files, they were still being downloaded, included past freebies. I still get mad when I think of someone taking the link to my work and redistrbuting it and hacking my server. It makes my blood boil!

I have not decided if I will go back to selling or not - I really enjoyed doing it this way as it was on my terms with no deadlines, etc. I am not sure if I want to sign on again and then be tied down to having to do so much by a certain time, etc.

I'll keep everyone posted if I decide to sell or not again.


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