Saturday, October 28, 2006

What I'd give for a few hours of sleep!!!!

I woke up at a lil after 2am to Karl bringing Trevor into bed with us....well needless to say, Karl goes right back to sleep and I am left to deal with the squirming, whining 2.5 yr old who wants nothing more than to get up and use the computer to look at Oreck Vacuums! Yes, that is correct...the child is obsessed with vacuums...he lives, breathes and practically eats vacuums. I made the mistake of showing him the Oreck website and now he fights me to use the computer. What have I done? I can't believe that he's so obsessed with them!! It's pretty sad that some days when I am trying to get us out of the house to go shopping, I have to lure him with promises of looking at vacuums in the store! LOL!

So anyways, back to the sleeping thing....Karl slept...but Trevor and I didn't barely closed his eyes for the next 5 hours...I spent my time hanging off the edge of the bed....needless to say not only am I tired but I have a backache to end all! I anxiously look forward to nap time today!!!

On a design note...I am full throttle into a Christmas be on the look out soon for a preview to that!!!

And this coming week - starting tomorrow actually, I will be a guest CT for Tracy Blankenship! I am so excited and can't wait for everyone to see the beautiful layouts I created for her!!!

Check out her blog:

*ADDED* - Here is my lil skeleton...too bad I'll be having surgery on Halloween and won't get to take him trick or treating!

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